Our Outcomes

Our outcomes illustrate the hard work of the clients in making progress towards their rehabilitation goals. They are a great way of illustrating the value of the input they receive, the positive change the services can make and allowing clients, future clients understand the high quality, efficient and effective service that Headway is.

Key outcome measures graphic
Key outcomes graphic 2023

USPEQ Reports (pronounced “you speak”)

Every year we conduct a survey of all our clients, service users, funders, family members and other people with an interest in Headway. The survey uses a system called USPEQ which allows us to compare how we are doing with other similar organisations.

Our highest performing areas perform very well in comparison to the benchmarks (where available) for Medical Rehabilitation programmes. 

USPEQ Survey Report 2023

USPEQ Survey Report 2022

USPEQ Survey Report 2021

USPEQ Survey Report 2019

USPEQ Survey Report 2018