Publications for Families


The Family Guide to Brain Injury

This booklet is written with family members in mind.  Sections include advice for leaving hospital, tips for managing the effects of a brain injury; Where to get further information and support; Ways to help children and teenagers adjust to a brain injury in the family and practical suggestions. There is also a section on ways to look after yourself. The booklet was written in collaboration with family members who attend our services. 

The Family Guide to Brain Injury

Download The Family guide to Brain Injury in pdf format.

Getting What You Need leaflet

The journey to recovery can be a challenge after a head injury, stroke, or other acquired brain injury. We hope this leaflet makes it easier to find you the information you need. The leaflet is divided into 9 sections covering:

  • Hospital rehabilitation
  • Care and Care
  • Health and independence, 
  • Payments and Grants, 
  • Counselling and psychology, 
  • transport and mobility, 
  • work, and other activities, 
  • Financial and legal 
  • Housing and adaptations

In each section are contact details for the relevant Government Departments or charities that will be able to help you get whatever services or information you may need. 

Getting What You Need After a Brain Injury

Download Getting What You Need After a Brain Injury Publication in pdf format

Guides for Children and Teens 

These have been written to try and clear up some of the questions, concerns, and fears that children or young people may have about brain injury and how it has affected their loved one. Using both images and words means that older children can read along by themselves, while smaller children may be read to while following the pictures. We include some advice at the end for children who may need someone to talk to. 

A Kid’s Guide to Brain Injury

Download A Kid’s Guide to Brain Injury in pdf format

A Teen’s Guide to Brain Injury

Download a Teen’s Guide to Brain Injury in pdf format

The living with brain injury suite

The living with brain injury suite is written to give you relevant information that you may need on your journey.  It is divided into sections and each section has a number of booklets.  There is no need to read each booklet section.  There is an easy index that you can check to get you to the section/booklet that you are interested in.  The sections covered are 

  • Early Recovery (including returning home, fatigue and general information about the brain and brain injury)
  • Coping with changes (including memory, attention, planning and organising,)
  • Dealing with feelings (anxiety, anger, relationships and intimacy)
  • Moving On (driving, returning to work or study)

Each booklet has an Introduction, an explanation of the changes that may have occurred because of the injury, some tips to help manage the changes and contact details for organisations that may be able to help.

There is also a section called My Organiser which has a Diary, My Contact Sections, My Details and Planning Worksheets.

Each section is colour coded to make finding the information you need easier. These booklets were written in collaboration with our clients and other professionals.

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