Counselling and psychotherapy
Headway provides specialist psychology services for people affected by a brain injury. Psychotherapy, talk therapy and counselling are all words we use to describe the same process. Our psychotherapy service provides a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space, where you can talk about things in your life after your brain injury that you find difficult and explore your feelings.
There are many reasons why you may be looking for talk therapy after your brain injury – for example: coping with the changes in your life can feel overwhelming; you may feel that other people do not understand what you are going through; we know that a lot of people feel low, depressed or anxious following their injury. If you are experiencing any of these feelings, you may benefit from Headway’s specialist psychotherapy services.
Further information on this service is available for download here:

Psychotherapy – Frequently asked questions
Download in pdf format
Peer support
Our peer support group for people who have had an acquired brain injury runs a couple of times a year. The aim of this group is to provide peer-led support to group members. In addition, the group can act as an information and social forum.
Assessment and Cognitive Rehabilitation
An acquired brain injury can impact your thinking skills such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and planning and organising.
Neuropsychological Assessment
When you first attend Headway, or if you are already attending a Headway service, we may recommend that you have a Neuropsychological Assessment carried out with one of our Psychologists.
In general, a Neuropsychological Assessment aims to identify how your injury has impacted your thinking (cognitive) skills, and to help you to better understand your cognitive strengths and challenges.
The assessment involves a Headway Psychologist doing a review of your medical records and meeting with you and someone who knows you well. They then complete some pen-and-paper tasks with you to measure skills such as memory ability, language and attention skills. Our Psychologist then writes a report and will meet you to go through the results. The recommendations they make will give you strategies to assist with any challenges the assessment has identified.
Cognitive Rehabilitation
If you experience challenges with thinking skills such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and planning and organising, we may recommend you attend our Cognitive Rehabilitation service. This service is run by our Psychology Team. A team member will meet you for a number of one-to-one sessions. Together you will work on strategies you can use to support your thinking skills.
Waiting lists apply for all Headway’s Psychology Services.
Who can apply for Psychology Services?
Participants must have an acquired brain injury and be aged 18 or over. For further information on Headway’s entry criteria and how to apply, click here