Family Member Survey – we want your feedback!
Family Members, Please take our survey to help us improve our service!
New research is being undertaken into the experience of families who are struggling to communicate with their relatives with locked-in syndrome or a so-called “disorder of consciousness”
Andrea Shepherd from Ulster Univerity writes:
“The human brain is an extraordinary organ, it plays a pivotal role in how we experience life, how we function physically, socially, and emotionally. A diagnosis disorder of consciousness or locked-in syndrome can be devastating for the person and the family as it may prevent us from fulfilling the life we once had. Brain computer interface technology may potentially improve the quality of life of the person and provide a much-needed communication channel desired by family members. Have you been involved in a trial using this type of technology? If so, I would love to hear your experience. To find out more or become involved in the study please contact me on:“
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Family Members, Please take our survey to help us improve our service!
You are invited… to come and view this year’s beautiful art produced by Headway artists based in our Dublin services. All the artists attend […]
Find out about the origins of the new Headway Podcast about Living with Brain Injury!